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2024 Release Notes
Matt Stansfield avatar
Written by Matt Stansfield
Updated yesterday


July 26th - New Release

  • HaloPSA Integration Updates

    • We now have a new option in the Integration Settings page for what data to push to the Halo Product Name field:

      • MPN/Code, or

      • Line Item Name

      • If we select the MPN/Code in the Settings - if we are pushing an Item that doesn’t exist in Halo, we will create a new Product in Halo with the MPN/Code as the Product Name.

      • If we select the MPN/Code in the Settings - if we are pushing an Item that doesn’t exist in Halo and if the MPN/Code is empty, we will use the Item Name as the Product name.

      • If we select the MPN/Code or Line Item Name in the Settings - if we are pushing an Item that exists in Halo, we will not update the existing Halo Product.

      • If we use the Line Item Name in the Settings - if we are pushing an Item that doesn’t exist in Halo, we create a new product in Halo with the Item Name as the Product Name.

    • We are now pushing Manufacturer to the Manufacturer field

      • We will try to match by Name or create a new Manufacturer if there is no match.

    • We are now pushing Suppliers to the Vendor field

      • We will try to match by Name or create a new Supplier if there is no match.

    • We are now populating the Suppliers for Line Items on Halo Quotes

    • We are now pushing the MPN/Code to the Manufacturer SKU field on Halo

    • We are pushing the Line Item Description to the Sales Description field

    • We are pushing Line Item Cost to Halo

    • We now have a new option in the Integration Settings for Halo not to push anything until the Quoter Quote changes to a Won status (Accepted, Ordered, or Fulfilled)

      • If that option is selected, we will not push any Quotes or Quote Revisions to Halo unless the Quoter Quote becomes Won

        • We will not push anything if the Quote is set to Lost.

        • The Opportunity would only be created once the Quoter Quote is Accepted.

          • The User can also connect it to an existing Opportunity but it will only be pushed once the Quoter Quote is accepted.

    • We now have a new option to set a default Halo Opportunity status in the Integration Settings page.

      • This status will be set only when we create a new Opportunity in Halo.

      • If we are connecting to an existing Opportunity, the Opportunity Status won’t be updated.

July 26th - New Release

  • With our Manager Approvals feature, we no longer show the User Type warning message, even when the account does not have Sales Manager or Salesperson User Types.

July 26th - New Release

  • With our Manager Approvals feature, we now support Adhoc Line Item Approval Policy.

July 25th - New Release

  • Bug Fixes

    • Fixed issue with being unable to upload Quote Attachments / Images.

July 25th - New Release

  • With our New Quotes List, fixed an issue where long Quote Numbers were overlapping with the Customer column.

July 23rd - New Release

  • With our New Quotes List, fixed an issue where an error was being thrown when attempting to add the Won Date column.

July 22nd - New Release

  • With our Editor, fixed an issue where updates for Line Item Descriptions weren't persisting.

July 19th - New Release

  • With our Manager Approvals feature, fixed a validation issue with Multi-Stage Manager Approvers.

July 18th - New Release

  • ConnectWise Integration Updates

    • Updated Label and Description for Product Push Settings

July 11th - New Release

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

July 10th - New Release

  • Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where in certain conditions Bundles were prevented from being added to the Quote.

July 8th - New Release

  • You can now set a Default Product Source under Settings > Quote Settings > Default Product Source

July 8th - New Release

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

July 4th - New Release

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

July 4th - New Release

  • With our Procurement Pick List feature, we now show the Supplier/Manufacturer and Quoted Price (per Item).

July 3rd - New Release

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

July 2nd - New Release


June 28th - New Release

  • With our Syncro Integration, added an option to the Integration Settings to Push Taxes per Line Item.

June 27th - New Release

  • With our Avalara Integration, fixed an issue where removing Avalara broke existing Quotes.

    • Click here to learn more learn more about the impact to current Quotes when turning Avalara on/off

June 24th - New Release

  • HaloPSA Integration Updates

    • HaloPSA Opportunity Creation

    • HaloPSA Lead Support

    • Sales Order (SO) Creation

    • Purchase Order (PO) Capture and Push

June 20th - New Release

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

June 18th - New Release

  • With our HaloPSA Integration, we now support Halo Suppliers.

    • If the Halo Product has one or more associated Suppliers, we will populate the Quoter Line Item with the details of the first (top of the list in Halo) Halo Supplier including: Supplier, Supplier SKU, Cost and Price. If the Halo Supplier has 0 or a NULL value for Cost or Price, we will fallback to the Product Cost and Price.

June 17th - New Release

  • With our HaloPSA Integration, we now support Quoter Custom Field to Quote Customer PO# Mapping.

    • The selected Quoter Custom Field, when associated to Quote Acceptance, will populate the Quote Customer PO# in HaloPSA. Only Quoter Custom Fields with the "Text" type may be used.

June 14th - New Release

June 14th - New Release

  • HaloPSA Integration Updates

    • We now support Halo authentication using Client ID and Secret.

    • We now push PDF Attachments to the Halo Opportunity.

June 10th - New Release

  • Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where changing a Contact's Address from a Country with Region data to a Country without Region data was erroneously passing the old Region data.

June 4th - New Release

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.


May 28th - New Release

May 27th - New Release

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

May 27th - New Release

  • Bug Fixes

    • Fixed an issue where under certain conditions the Line Item Quantity wasn't being updated on Quote Edit.

May 24th - New Release

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

May 23rd - New Release

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

May 23rd - New Release

  • With our ConnectWise Integration, removed duplicated Item Name from the ConnectWise Product Customer Description.

May 15th - New Release

  • With our HubSpot Integration, Person Search now supports searching non-primary Companies.

May 8th - New Release

  • Bug Fixes

    • With our ConnectWise Integration, fixed an issue where ConnectWise Items added to the Template were erroneously being displayed as Inactive.

    • Fixed the following integration error Contact Object is Invalid. There is a duplicate contact for this company with the same name and default email. that was preventing the Quoter Quote from pushing to your connected Integration(s).

May 8th - New Release

  • With our Automated Quote Reminders feature, we now support customizable intervals.

  • Save as New button is now supported when editing a Quoter Item.

May 1st - New Release

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.


April 29th - New Release

  • With our Autotask Integration, fixed an issue where Item Description line breaks were removed if an Autotask Item was saved to a Quoter Template.

April 23rd - New Release

  • With our Halo Integration:

    • Fixed an issue where disabled Taxes prevented Quotes from being pushed to Halo.

    • Fixed an issue where the MPN/Code wasn't being pushed to Halo's SKU field.

  • With our Avalara Integration, fixed an issue where the Tax Preview wasn't working on Quote Revision if a Shipping Address wasn't associated with the Person.

April 23rd - New Release

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

April 22nd - New Release

  • With our Contracts feature, support for deleting Contracts and Contract Templates.

April 15th - New Release

April 9th - New Release

  • With our Autotask Integration, we now support checking the Inventory when adding Products from Autotask to Quotes.

April 8th - New Release

  • With our Bundles feature, small bug fixes and improvements.

April 5th - New Release

  • With our ConnectWise Integration, prevent overwriting ConnectWise Opportunity Type and Customer PO#.

  • With our new Text Editor, small bug fixes and improvements.

April 4th - New Release

  • With our Halo Integration, updates to Integration Overview and removal of Webhook Hash Field.

  • With our QuickBooks Online Integration, Quote prefix updated from QUOTER to QUOTE.

  • With our Autotask Integration, improved TaxCategory fallback logic if default has been deleted.

April 2nd - New Release

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.


March 28th - New Release

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

March 27th - New Release

  • Bug fixes:

    • Fixed an issue where in some cases the Dashboard was showing incorrect Totals.

    • Fixed an issue with our Autotask Integration where in some cases there was mismatched Address Data if required fields were NULL.

March 25th - New Release

  • Bug fixes:

    • Fixed an issue where in some cases the Quote Link for rejected revised Quotes being visible to customers.

    • Fixed an issue with the text editor sanitization rules.

March 20th - New Release

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

March 19th - New Release

  • With our Amazon Business Integration, small bug fixes and improvements.

March 19th - New Release

  • Integration Updates:

    • HaloPSA Integration

March 18th - New Release

March 11th - New Release

  • With our Halo Integration, small bug fixes and improvements.

March 5th - New Release

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

March 1st - New Release

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.


February 26th - New Release

  • With our Single Select feature, fixed an issue where the Single Select option wasn't locked down if payment was taken via ConnectBooster.

February 22nd - New Release

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

February 21st - New Release

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

February 21st - New Release

  • With our Email Tracking feature, we now display the IP Address for Email Events.

February 21st - New Release

  • Integration Updates:

    • Synnex has been updated to TD Synnex.

    • Deprecated TechData Integrations have been removed.

February 20th - New Release

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

February 14th - New Release

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

February 13th - New Release

  • With our Salesforce Integration, fixed an issue where the Address wasn't being pushed to the Salesforce Contact.

  • With our Product Cloud feature, fixed an issue where Distributor Items with Price Updates could cause a blank page to be displayed and an inability to use Select Item.

February 13th - New Release

  • With our ConnectWise Integration, we updated the Integration Settings to allow setting a default Opportunity Type, default Product Category, and default Product Subcategory.

  • With our ConnectWise Integration, we now support Recurring Products Billing Cycle Mapping to allow mapping each Quoter Recurring Frequency to a ConnectWise Billing Cycle.

  • With our ConnectWise Integration, fixed Tax Code Mapping issue.

February 9th - New Release

  • With our ConnectWise Integration, we now support Quoter Custom Field to CW Customer PO# Mapping.

    • The selected Quoter Custom Field, when associated to Quote Acceptance, will populate the Opportunity Customer PO# in ConnectWise. Only Quoter Custom Fields with the "Text" type may be used.

  • With our ConnectWise Integration, fixed an issue where CW Opportunity Update was failing when using Code or SKU Item field Mapping and the corresponding field was empty.

  • With our Halo Integration, improvements to Line Item push.

February 6th - New Release

  • With our Syncro Integration, we now support pulling Contacts from Syncro when using Person Search.

  • With our Syncro Integration, we now support checking the Stock when adding Products from Syncro to Quotes.

February 2nd - New Release

  • With our Contracts feature, fixed an issue with Optional Checkboxes.

February 2nd - New Release

  • With our Product Cloud feature, fixed a display issue with the Add Item modal Subcategory dropdown.

  • With our Quote Web View, fixed a decimal precision issue for Line Item Quantities.


January 31st - New Release

January 26th - New Release

  • With our Autotask Integration, creating a Quote from a Template containing an invalid Autotask Item(s) will remove the Inactive Item(s) from the Quote. A flash message will be displayed indicating that the Item has been removed from the Quote due to its Inactive status in Autotask. This will not delete the Item(s) from the Template itself, just from the created Quote.

January 24th - New Release

  • With our HaloPSA Integration, we now support pulling One-Time and Recurring Products from HaloPSA when using Product Cloud.

  • With our HaloPSA Integration, fixed a display issue with Opportunity Selector when using Person Search.

January 23rd - New Release

January 18th - New Release

  • With our Salesforce Integration, fixed an issue where Quotes were failing to push to Salesforce Person Accounts.

  • With our Avalara Integration, the Template's Calculate Tax setting cannot be set to 'No' if Avalara is enabled.

  • With our ConnectBooster Integration, fixed an issue where the Total Amount Owing inclusive of Avalara Taxes wasn't being pushed to ConnectBooster if Avalara was enabled.

January 18th - New Release

  • With our Product Cloud feature, improvements to Keyword search results.

January 16th - New Release

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

January 16th - New Release

  • With our Pipedrive Integration, we now support Template Pipeline Mapping to allow mapping between Quoter Quote Template(s) and Pipedrive Pipeline(s).

January 15th - New Release

  • Your session may have expired modal is now shown if you've been on Quote Create / Edit for four hours: to avoid losing any work on this Quote, please open a new tab and log back in if you are prompted to do so.

January 12th - New Release

  • With our ConnectWise Integration, we now support checking the Inventory On Hand when adding Products from ConnectWise to Quotes.

  • With our HubSpot Integration, we now support Template Pipeline Mapping to allow mapping between Quoter Quote Template(s) and HubSpot Pipeline(s).

January 3rd - New Release

  • With our Pipedrive Integration, fixed an issue where Taxable Optional Line Items being selected during Quote Acceptance would cause the Upfront Total to include the Optional Line Item(s) Taxable Amount.

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