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2021 Release Notes
Matt Stansfield avatar
Written by Matt Stansfield
Updated over a week ago


December 21st - Release 2.530.0

  • Fix for Autotask Missing Required Field: companyName Error

December 9th - Release 2.529.0

  • Fix for Optional negative Percentage-Based Items not showing on Quote View

December 8th - Release 2.528.1

  • Autotask fix for no multi-currency

December 7th - Release 2.528.0

  • Autotask REST Deal Selector

  • Autotask REST Settings Query

December 7th - Release 2.527.0

  • Fixed Salesforce CloseDate Required Field integration push error

December 1st - Release 2.526.0

  • Fixed Dashboard Wizard `Click here to create your first Quote` link

  • Multiple Label Updates

  • Thai Character Unicode Handling


November 30th - Release 2.525.0

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

November 23rd - Release 2.524.0

  • Fix for Autotask Opportunity Company bug

  • Fix for issue affecting saving ConnectBooster credentials

November 19th - Release 2.523.0

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

November 17th - Release 2.522.0

  • Autotask REST push Attachments

November 17th - Release 2.521.2

  • Fix for Zoho Contact data override bug

November 15th - Release 2.521.1

  • Fix for Salesforce string too long error

November 12th - Release 2.521.0

  • Autotask REST push to Products & Services

  • Autotask REST push to Vendors, ProductVendors

  • Autotask REST ShippingTypes query

November 5th - Release 2.520.0

  • Autotask REST push to Quotes, QuoteItems, QuoteLocation

November 3rd - Release 2.519.0

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

November 1st - Release 2.518.0

  • Autotask REST Push Opportunities


October 28th - Release 2.517.1

  • Fixed recurring frequency not being pulled in when using Product Search with our supported Integrations.

  • Fixed Agile CRM connection problems

October 28th - Release 2.517.0

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

October 27th - Release 2.516.0

  • Autotask REST push Contacts

  • PDF component section fixes

October 22nd - Release 2.515.0

  • Fixed Salesforce syntax error

October 22nd - Release 2.514.0

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

October 20th - Release 2.513.0

  • Autotask Taxable Service fix

October 14th - Release 2.512.1

  • Fixed Autotask missing function for ConnectBooster sync

October 8th - Release 2.512.0

  • Autotask REST Companies

October 7th - Release 2.511.0

  • Hide “Bundle Includes:” text for Bundles with “Show Bundled Line Items” disabled

October 6th - Release 2.510.0

  • Autotask REST Product Search

October 5th - Release 2.509.0

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

October 4th - Release 2.508.0

  • Autotask REST Person Search


September 29th - Release 2.507.0

  • Product Cloud international support for Canada (English), Canada (French), UK, and Australia

September 29th - Release 2.506.0

  • Autotask REST API Authentication

  • Support for Quote Template Sections

September 24th - Release 2.505.0

  • Updated Quote-level Discount Controls

September 23rd - Release 2.504.0

  • Added region and locale support for Etilize

  • We now push the proper unit_cost_total for some Integrations

  • Fix for duplicate person push queue

September 21st - Release 2.503.0

  • With our QBO Integration, improved special character handling

  • Line Item Custom Field validation fix

September 8th - Release 2.502.0

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

September 3rd - Release 2.501.0

  • Fixed an issue with our Billing Console where we were unable to retrieve payment method

  • With our Person Search, we will no longer change selected Country dropdown when the Country data is empty

  • Fix for 100% Discount with Sections


August 26th - Release 2.500.8

  • Fix for Azure SAML logout error

August 25th - Release 2.500.7

  • Fixed an issue on Quote Create/Edit with manually applied Shipping fees

  • Fixed an issue with Checkout Custom Fields when Optionals were selected

August 24th - Release 2.500.6

  • Fixed an issue where in some cases the Deposit value could become $0.00

  • Fixed an issue where links would stack if the link was too long

August 13th - Release 2.500.5

  • Quote Sections Feature Release

August 11th - Release 2.500.4

  • Bundles Feature Release

August 9th - Release 2.500.3

  • Fixed a General Calculation Error caused by deleted Bundled Line Items

  • With our Syncro Integration, fixed an issue with broken Line Item and Discount mapping


July 30th - Release 2.500.2

  • Fixed an issue where the Accept Quote URL on PDF was broken

July 29th - Release 2.500.1

  • With our Zoho Integration, we now push the Reseller Name to the Zoho Quotes Team field

  • Fixed an issue where Item Name changes to Bundled Items weren’t being displayed on Quote Preview

  • Fixed an issue where Child Items were not being displayed on Quote Preview

July 23rd - Release 2.500.0

  • Improved prompt when deleting a User from Quoter

  • With our Salesforce integration, fixed an issue where the Line Item Discount wasn't being pushed correctly to the Opportunity Product

July 13th - Release 2.499.2

  • With our Zapier Integration, we now push Checkout Custom Fields

July 6th - Release 2.499.1

  • With our Xero integration, fixed an issue where taxes could be pushed incorrectly

  • When Quoting, changed the Line Item details drawer expansion UI from a caret to a link on hover

July 2nd - Release 2.499.0

  • Fixed an issue with Product Cloud, where some Tech Data promotional end dates were not being parsed properly resulting in an error response


June 23rd - Release 2.498.1

  • When Quoting, when a default Country is selected on load, we now set Taxes accordingly

  • When Quoting, fixed an issue that allowed you to enter Item Name’s longer than the 100 character limit

  • With our Kaseya integration, fixed an issue where we could erroneously push duplicate Service Quotations

June 22nd - Release 2.498.0

  • Fixed an issue with our Billing Console where the Invoice dates were shown incorrectly

June 16th - Release 2.497.0

  • With our Autotask integration, we now always set won Quotes to the Autotask Primary Quote

  • When viewing a Quote, the Total Upfront section is now bold, to match the other Totals sections

June 11th - Release 2.496.0

  • Fixed a General Calculation Error that could arise after updating a Currency

  • Fixed an issue with Optionals, where a discount entered prior to, or when, the LIne Item was marked as Optional, was lost/not respected

  • Updated our favicon color for the unfortunate souls not using their browser’s dark mode

  • With our Autotask integration, fixed an issue where we were not correctly pushing to Autotask Products’ Period Type field

  • Fixed an issue where the close modal “x” button was not displaying in some cases

June 9th - Release 2.495.0

  • With our new Bundles feature, prevent adding a Parent Item to a Bundle with mismatching Child Frequency

  • With our Xero integration, map Quoter Line Item data to the Xero Item’s Purchase Unit Price and Purchase Description fields

June 7th - Release 2.494.0

  • Quote Name added to the Manager Approval email

  • Fixed bug where the Email Tracking tab wasn’t showing the Email Content in Firefox

  • With our Xero integration, fixed a broken link to the field mapping article

  • When Quoting, the Account’s Country is now selected as the Person’s Country by default


May 31st - Release 2.493.0

  • With our QBO integration, fixed an issue where the Type wasn’t being displayed properly during Product Search

May 26th - Release 2.492.0

  • Fixed an issue with Manager Approvals, where Quotes without one-time Line Items and a one-time margin rule would erroneously require approval

  • With our HubSpot integration, fixed an issue where we were erroneously updating the Contact Owner

  • With our Salesforce integration, fixed an issue where we attempted to push a now read-only field, Quote.GrandTotal

May 17th - Release 2.491.0

  • With our HubSpot integration, fixed an issue where we would erroneously re-assign the Contact’s Owner.

May 10th - Release 2.490.0

  • In the Add Item to Quote modal, Item title links now open in a new tab

May 10th - Release 2.489.0

  • Persist Person Search source selection indefinitely

  • With our Stripe integration, perform basic Key validation to attempt to ensure valid values


April 12th - Release 2.488.0

  • With our Xero integration, better detection and logging for locked invoices.

  • With our HubSpot integration, reverted back to previous Contact/Company matching.

  • Unification Updates:
    • Enable spell checker on CKEditor during Quoting.
    • On revision, fixed a bug where a required Region would prevent submission if the Country doesn’t have any Regions.
    • We now send two additional flag with Zapier and Webhook integrations: is_optional and is_optional_selected, to support the new Line Item’s Optionals feature.


March 31st - Release 2.487.0

  • With our Autotask integration, when Quoter Taxes “Include Shipping”, properly push this to Autotask.

  • With our Moneris integration, properly handle American Express “approved” responses.

  • With our Person Merge functionality, we will now only ever merge if a Person’s email and organization match. Formerly we would merge on email only match, unless specified by a backend configuration option.

  • Fixes for Agile CRM on Unification

  • Fix for Optionals - we now properly update a Quote’s margins after a Quote with updated Optionals is accepted

March 15th - Release 2.486.0

  • With our Salesforce integration, improve the matching logic between a Quoter Person and Salesforce Contact/Organization.

  • Unification Improvements
    • fixed issues with enter keypress being ignored in both the Internal Notes section, and during Product Cloud search
    • when a legacy Quote is edited or copied and had a Quote level discount, we now map it to the new Discount Applications, where possible
    • fixed an issue that didn’t allow revisions of any Quote when viewing through Person view

March 3rd - Release 2.484.0

  • Fixed some display issues with the Approvals public Quote Review page

  • With our HubSpot integration, on Quote Acceptance we now set the HubSpot Deal’s Close Date to today’s date


February 24th - Release 2.483.0

  • With our Custom Webhook, we now push the Shipping Address, first and last names.

  • Unification Improvements:
    • fix for date picker validation failures on acceptance
    • allow Shipping Info changes on Quote revision
    • Quotes that are pending approval, or have been rejected, can now be copied (provided they have the requisite data)

February 22nd - Release 2.482.0

  • With our ConnectWise integration, better push handling to prevent Line Item duplication under certain circumstances.

  • With our Quickbooks Online integration, when we create an Account, we only append the currency (e.g. “Quoter Software Inc. (CAD)“) to the Account Name if it’s not using the default currency.

February 4th - Release 2.479.0

  • Support for French address format for Partners based in France

February 1st - Release 2.478.1

  • Fix for Salesforce multi-currency regression bug

February 1st - Release 2.478.0

  • Support for the Ingram Micro REST API.

  • With our Salesforce integration, we now support multi-currency.

  • With our Quickbooks Online integration, better handling of special characters on Product Search.


January 29th - Release 2.477.0

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

January 25th - Release 2.476.0

  • On the admin order notification email, we now include the Internal Notes.

January 22nd - Release 2.475.0

  • With our ConnectWise integration, better special character handling during Product Search.

  • With our HubSpot integration, we now push files with Public permissions.

January 14th - Release 2.474.0

  • With our Autotask integration, we now skip Line Items if we can’t push them, and raise a warning instead of failing the push completely.

  • With our Autotask integration, we will no longer update an Opportunity when it has a Sales Order attached.

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