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2020 Release Notes
Matt Stansfield avatar
Written by Matt Stansfield
Updated over a week ago


December 21st - Release 2.473.0

  • With our HubSpot integration, the recurring Deal amounts exclude tax, like the upfront Deal amounts.

  • With our Salesforce integration, if the status is moved from one “won” state to another, we no longer update the Salesforce Opportunity’s Close Date.

December 14th - Release 2.472.0

  • With our Zoho integration, we now support Deal Search during Person Search to Zoho on Quote create

  • With our Zoho integration, support multi-currency push to Zoho Quotes

  • With our Autotask integration, better handling of special characters

  • With our Autotask integration, improve product matching when a match occurs, and the Quote Line Item has an MPN while the existing Autotask Product does not.

December 7th - Release 2.471.0

  • Fixed a small saving bug with Item Options / Item Option Values

December 1st - Release 2.470.0

  • With our Person Search feature, we now show the match’s address if available.

  • With our Nutshell integration, fixed a bug where the introduction of a new field was causing push errors.

  • Updated the Nutshell CRM logo


November 27th - Release 2.469.0

  • With our Zoho integration, properly strip HTML from Line Item descriptions on push.

  • With our Zoho integration, we now push the currency of the Quote, which will be used by Zoho if that currency is configured (in Company Details > Currencies)

  • With our Pipedrive integration, we now only using an existing Pipedrive Company if the Quoter Organization name matches exactly.

November 19th - Release 2.468.0

  • With our Salesforce integration, we now support mapping between Quoter Categories and Salesforce Product Family.

  • Fixed an issue with some of our Integrations, where PDF Line Item and Quote attachment links were not being built correctly.

  • With our Salesforce integration, added a setting to permit duplicate Account and Contact creation instead of failing the push.

November 12th - Release 2.467.0

  • With our Salesforce integration, we now provide more helpful push error messages.

  • With our Autotask integration, improvements to the Quoter Line Item to Autotask Product matching.

November 3rd - Release 2.466.0

  • With our Xero integration, you can now map Quoter Categories to Xero Revenue Accounts.

  • With our Autotask integration, introduced Quoter Taxes to Autotask Tax Region mapping.


October 28th - Release 2.465.0

  • With our Xero integration, provided a workaround for a Xero API bug where a 100% Line Item discount would cause push to fail.

  • Better visibility of recurring frequencies for Templates and their associated Items.

October 16th - Release 2.464.0

  • With our Xero integration, we now use the Xero Payment Terms to determine the Invoice Due Date.

October 9th - Release 2.463.0

  • With our Salesforce integration, send Quote-level discounts as a negative amount instead of a positive amount.

October 7th - Release 2.462.0

  • With our Salesforce integration, push the Quote Total to the Salesforce Quote even if the “Create Products” setting is disabled.

  • Tweak to improve PDF generation reliability.

  • Fixed an issue where the forgot password email was not sent in some cases.

  • With our Zoho integration, fixed a bug where the Manufacturer wasn’t pushed properly.

October 2nd - Release 2.461.0

  • With our ConnectWise integration, the Supplier/Supplier SKU fields are now being synced to the Opportunity Product Vendor/Vendor SKU fields for existing ConnectWise Products.

  • Added support for Zoho AU.

  • Increased the limit of our Item report to 1500.


September 23rd - Release 2.460.1

  • With our ConnectBooster/BNG integration, we now filter available Saved Payment Methods based on the allowed Payment Methods setting.

  • With our Xero integration, fixed an issue where the Invoice would not push if the “Use Quoter Quote Number as the Invoice Number” was not selected.

  • With our Quickbooks integration, better handling of special characters during Vendor Name push.

  • With our Quickbooks integration, fixed a bug where we were not pushing the shipping amount.

September 16th - Release 2.459.0

  • With our Xero integration, we now pull the address and phone number during Person Search.

September 10th - Release 2.458.0

  • With our Salesforce integration, fixed some issues with special characters causing push problems.

  • With our text editor, we now allow you customize the number / bullet styles, by right clicking on a list and selecting the “Bulleted List Properties” option.

  • With our Zoho integration, fixed an issue where the shipping amount was not being pushed properly.

September 2nd - Release 2.457.0

  • With our ConnectBooster integration, we now allow you to specify which payment types you allow (credit card and/or ACH).

  • With our Xero integration, we now provide a warning if there are already 6 contacts per Xero Contact and we are trying to add another.

  • Fixed a bug with our Xero integration, where an erroneous integration push error could arise when a payment was made on a Quote.

  • Fixed a bug with Approval Policies, where if you had an existing Policy with Rules, and then removed them all, they would come back on save.


August 25th - Release 2.456.0

  • With our Authorize.Net integration, added an option to consider “held” transactions as payments.

  • Added an Account level setting to control whether we send the welcome email to new Users.

  • With our Salesforce integration, we now push Quote-level discounts, and shipping, as Opportunity Line Items.

  • Improved performance on the People list.

August 18th - Release 2.455.0

  • Fixed a bug where, on Draft save, selected Discount Codes would be lost.

  • Fixed a bug with our Item Reporting, where unselected Item Options could be included in calculations.

  • With the customizable PDF filename, we’ve loosened the character restrictions to allow more flexibility, including spaces. In addition, we now support ##QuoteCreatedDate## and ##QuoteCreatedDateTime##.

August 11th - Release 2.454.0

  • With our Salesforce integration, we now push Line Item discounts to the Salesforce Opportunity Line Items.

  • Updated our order notification emails to include missing city and state fields.

  • With our ConnectWise integration, we now allow you to specify the default Company status, which is used when Quoter creates a new Company in ConnectWise.

August 5th - Release 2.453.0

  • With our ConnectWise integration, we now allow you specific a Default Company Type that is used when Quoter creates a new Company in ConnectWise.

  • With our Zapier integration, we now push the Internal Notes field.

  • With our Zoho EU integration, improvements to prevent disconnection.


July 28th - Release 2.452.0

  • Fixed an issue where, under certain circumstances, a blank line appears in the Cost Breakdown after editing a Quote.

  • Removed an unused localization, first recurring payment date.

  • With our Xero integration, we now offer Quoter Quote status to Xero Invoice status mapping.

  • Fixed an issue with our Xero Product Search.

July 23rd - Release 2.451.0

  • We no longer show the Tiered Stepped Pricing Breakdown on Quotes.

July 23rd - Welcome to Release 2.450.0

  • With our Xero integration, fixed a bug where an invoice could be duplicated when Quoter was not pushing invoice numbers.

July 21st - Release 2.449.0

  • With our QBO integration, we now allow you to use QBO deferred revenue accounts in the Revenue Account dropdown.

July 16th - Release 2.448.0

  • Added ability to customize the PDF filename (with mail merge) for both pending and approved quotes.

  • With our Salesforce integration, fixed an issue where certain special characters in an account name could cause push errors.

July 15th - Release 2.447.0

  • With our Salesforce integration, fixed an error that could cause Quote push to fail with a missing StageName.

July 13th - Release 2.446.0

  • Various performance improvements.

July 7th - Release 2.445.0

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

July 7th - Release 2.444.0

  • With our Salesforce integration, we now push Quote PDFs to the Opportunity File (Salesforce Files) section.

July 7th - Release 2.443.0

  • With our Authorize.NET integration, the ’Recurring Billing URL” field is now optional again.

July 6th - Release 2.442.0

  • With our ConnectWise integration, we now push Vendor and Vendor SKU to the ConnectWise ProductItem.

  • Fixed an issue where duplicate “to” emails with different text casing would prevent an email from being sent.

  • With our Autotask integration, fixed an issue where Line Items retrieved via Product Search were not pushing MPN and SKU back to Autotask.

July 2nd - Release 2.441.0

  • When calculating Percentage Based Items of a Parent Category, we now include any Subcategory amounts as well.

  • If a Parent Item is set to required on a Template, its Children will also be required.

  • When working with a Draft and editing a Line Item, the “Save for Future Use” option was erroneously showing, and has now been removed as it’s not supported in that context.


June 26th - Release 2.440.0

  • Fixed an issue with our email events, where under certain circumstances updates were not recorded

  • Fixed an MFA issue when logging in via

June 23rd - Release 2.439.0

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

June 23rd - Release 2.438.0

  • Added a localization for the “Continue to Payment” text used on the button for ConnectBooster checkout.

  • With our ConnectWise integration, we now pull ConnectWise Opportunity Notes into the Quoter Quote’s Comments section, when using the Deal Selector with Person Search. This avoids any inadvertent overwriting of the ConnectWise Opportunity Notes on push from Quoter.

  • Increased the limits of some of our email fields, including the Order Notification field.

June 22nd - Release 2.437.0

  • Accepted Quotes with Acceptance Terms will now show the text beside the checkbox shown on the Acceptance & Checkout page, e.g. “I have read, understood, and agree with the terms above.”

  • Fixed a bug where the Default Product Cloud Category/Subcategory setting would incorrectly apply to search results from non-disti sources, e.g. CRMs and PSAs.

  • Fixed an issue with our Salesforce integration, where in certain circumstances a Stage change could trigger Opportunity duplication.

  • Fixed a bug with Quote edit where taxes could be calculated incorrectly if certain discount types were applied.

  • With our Kaseya BMS integration, added support for bmsapac.

June 17th - Release 2.436.0

  • With our Salesforce integration, we have improved our Person/Contact match logic to include filtering by Organization.

  • With our Connectwise integration, fixed a bug where an existing Vendor could get cleared on Product push.

June 10th - Release 2.435.0

  • With existing Integrations and Payment Gateways, sensitive fields are now blank by default.

June 10th - Release 2.434.0

  • Fixed a regression UI bug on checkout with the “Pay Now” and “Pay Later” radio buttons.

June 2nd - Release 2.431.0

  • Fixed an issue with our password strength indicator, which wouldn’t show when pasting in a password.

  • With our Zoho integration, added a note that custom Zoho Contact fields are not supported.

June 2nd - Release 2.430.0

  • Hide Product Cloud v1 by default.

  • Fixed an edge case scenario where a Quote copy would fail if the copied Quote was deleted mid-copy.

  • With our Autotask integration, properly implemented the Product/Service Find/Create matching functionality as per our KB.

  • Fixed a bug with Draft Quotes, where under certain conditions a Quote-level discount could be lost on Draft save.


May 27th - Release 2.429.0

  • A new Xero integration, which includes modern features like Person Search and Product Search.

May 27th - Release 2.428.0

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

May 26th - Release 2.427.0

  • With our Kaseya BMS integration, properly implemented the Product/Service Find/Create matching functionality as per our KB.

  • With our Quickbooks integration, fixed an issue where erroneous whitespace could prevent a Product from being created.

  • With our Autotask integration, fixed a bug where an Item’s cost could be incorrect if it was percentage-based in Quoter.

May 25th - Release 2.426.0

  • Fixed an issue with Product Cloud v2, where the label was not showing for Ingram Micro Genesis.

May 19th - Release 2.424.0

  • Fixed a bug with our Quote Copy (beta) feature, where Line Item images were re-assigned to the new Quote instead of being copied.

  • Fixed a bug with our Integration Request Status page, where the Quote view modals were not fully loading. We now open a new tab with the Quote view instead.

May 13th - Release 2.423.1

  • New Quote copy feature (beta), with some limitations. See our KB article for more details

May 12th - Release 2.422.0

  • With our Kaseya BMS integration, we now support mapping of Quoter Categories to Kaseya Service Quotation T&M Labor Item Types.

  • With our ConnectBooster integration, the ConnectBooster API details are now optional.

May 11th - Release 2.421.0

  • Added Mail Merge support for the Template Name field

  • Fixed a bug with our Google Places address autocomplete feature for Partners in non-English speaking locales, where the Country and/or Region would not properly populate

May 8th - Release 2.420.0

  • With our QBO integration, we now post additional Quote data to the “Message on invoice” field, instead of the “Message displayed on statement” field.

  • With our Kaseya BMS integration, we now support mapping of Quoter Categories to Kaseya Service Quotation Fixed Labor Item Types.

  • Fixed a bug with Product Cloud and Quote edit, where pricing was not displayed or populated.

May 7th - Release 2.419.0

  • Fixed a bug where copying a Template would lose Custom Fields.

May 5th - Release 2.418.0

  • For Percentage Based Items, if the total amount of its Price Percentage Category is zero, we no longer show it on the Quote.

  • Fixed a bug with Draft Quotes (beta), where Percentage Based Items could sometimes lose their Price Percentage Category, resulting in a $0 line total.

May 4th - Release 2.417.0

  • With our Autotask integration, fixed a mapping issue with Québec.

  • Fixed a bug with our Draft Quotes (beta) feature, where Line Item image changes were lost under certain circumstances.

  • With our Kaseya BMS integration, fixed an issue where invalid credentials could prevent the Integration from being edited, and instead show a blank page.


April 30th - Release 2.416.0

  • We have removed the ability to apply a default language in Labels & Messages.

  • Fixed a bug with our Quickbooks Online integration, improving our Vendor duplication detection and preventing the entire push from failing if a Vendor could not be created.

April 29th - Release 2.415.0

  • To provide more control over your Item Categories within Quoter, we have added a new setting for our Product Cloud (disti search) feature. It allows you to choose to continue populating the Category field(s) with the data returned by a Product Cloud search, or set a default Category/Subcategory used for all Items imported from distributors. You can find this new setting in Settings > General, Product Cloud.

April 27th - Release 2.414.0

  • Added KB link to our new Dicker Data integration.

April 21st - Release 2.413.0

  • When adding or editing a User, we now show the Approval Policy select for all User Types, as it is now possible to add any User Type to an Approval Policy.

  • We now no longer show the Cost Breakdown, nor allow payment or show totals on the checkout page, if there are no upfront or recurring amounts (e.g. a $0 Quote used as an MSA).

April 20th - Release 2.412.0

  • Updated Dicker Data helper text to make the required fields more clear.

  • With our Quickbooks Online integration, we now push Product Cost if one is specified in Quoter.

April 9th - Release 2.411.0

  • Added Dicker Data as a distributor, for use with our Product Cloud feature.

  • If an Item is recurring, we no longer allow it to have a weight, as we don’t currently support shipping on a recurring basis.

  • With our Quickbooks Online integration, we now allow you to map Quoter Item Categories to QBO Expense Accounts, which are then mapped on Line Item push.

April 7th - Release 2.410.0

  • With our Quickbooks Online integration and Product Search, we now suppress Bundle Products.

  • With our Xero integration, we now push the Item name and description to the Xero Invoice Description field.

  • With our Autotask integration, fixed a bug where LiveLinks were not available for Quote revisions.

  • Fixed a bug with our Autotask integration, where Item matching could fail if the title contained special characters like ‘&’.

April 1st - Release 2.409.1

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.


March 30th - Release 2.409.0

  • With our Quickbooks Online integration, we now push the Quoter Line Item Supplier to the QBO Preferred Vendor/Supplier.

  • Minor fixes to Product Cloud v2 (beta).

March 26th - Release 2.408.0

  • Fixed a bug on Quote edit, where Child Item cost was not being calculated properly.

  • Fixed a bug that would prevent saving certain User Types if they were subject to an Approval Policy.

  • With our Quickbooks Online integration, improved settings to only showing certain options when applicable.

  • With our Quickbooks Online integration, we now allow you to pick the type of Quickbooks Online Item Type (Service or Non-inventory) by Quoter Category/Subcategory.

March 25th - Release 2.407.0

  • When viewing a Quote’s Email Tracking, you can now see the contents (subject, body and attachments) of the email that was sent.

  • With our Autotask integration, better handling of accented characters when using Item search.

March 24th - Release 2.406.0

  • With our Quickbooks Online integration, we now push Product/Service Description and Price.

  • With our Zoho integration, fixed a bug where an Item’s unit price was not including option prices.

March 20th - Release 2.405.0

  • With our Autotask integration, fixed an issue with Person Search and accented characters.

  • With our Xero integration, fixed a regression bug related to Line Item discounts that was causing Quote push failure in some circumstances.

March 20th - Release 2.405.1

  • With our QBO integration, fixed a backwards compatibility bug that could cause the “Push Estimates” or “Push Invoices” checkboxes to not accurately reflect the saved settings.

March 17th - Release 2.404.0

  • With our Xero integration, Line Item discounts are now pushed as Line Item discounts, not as their own Line Item.

March 16th - Release 2.403.0

  • Better accented character handling with our Autotask integration.

March 13th - Release 2.402.0

  • With our Quickbooks Online integration, we now push the Quote Owner’s name and email to the QBO ‘Message displayed on statement’ field.

  • Added two additional Euro-based currencies, “Euro (Decimal Comma, Symbol Last)” and “Euro (Decimal Point, Symbol Last)”

March 11th - Release 2.401.0

  • Fixed a bug with our Autotask integration and pushing a Quote revision, where a recurring discount was always shown even when there wasn’t one.

  • We now allow per-Template customization of the Pricing Table display settings.

March 9th - Release 2.400.0

  • With our Salesforce integration, we have disabled the “Opportunity amount push as upfront or recurring” option when the Create Products setting is selected, because in this case Salesforce automatically totals the Opportunity Line Items to determine the Opportunity amount. We also now push the Line Item unit price instead of the total price, as the latter field is supposed to be read-only and this was causing push issues with some Partners.

  • With our QuickBooks Online integration and US-based Partners, the tax settings are now optional to avoid overwriting QBO Account tax codes.

  • Minor improvements to our Product Cloud v2 Beta, including respecting the Account’s default currency display.

March 9th - Release 2.399.0

  • We now allow you to customize the background and font colour of the "Accept Quote" button as shown on the Quote.

March 3rd - Release 2.398.1

  • Fixed a bug with our Nutshell integration, where pushing a Quote revision could fail under some circumstances.

March 3rd - Release 2.398.0

  • With our Quickbooks Online integration, you can now map the Quoter Item Categories to QBO Revenue Categories.

  • With our Pipedrive integration, if we find a Pipedrive Contact match by email but there are multiple records, we also try to match the Organization, otherwise we create a new Contact.

March 3rd - Release 2.397.0

  • With our Salesforce integration, you can now select a custom field where we’ll push the Quoter Item cost

  • Improvements to error handling with pushing a Quote to Autotask

  • Improvements and bug fixes for Product Catalog v2 beta

  • With our Autotask integration, we now push the accepted Quoter Quote PDF

March 2nd - Release 2.396.0

  • When viewing all Approval Policies, we now sort by the Last Updated column by default

  • Fixed a bug with our Mail Merge functionality, where the Business Website could have an extra scheme (e.g. “http://“) erroneously prepended

  • Added Product Cloud v2 Beta to Quote Edit


February 28th - Release 2.395.0

  • With our Quickbooks Online integration, you can now specify whether Estimates are created.

  • Fixed a bug with our Manager Approvals feature, where the Review Quote button on an Approval request email was not working on mobile devices.

February 26th - Release 2.394.0

  • With our Manager Approvals feature, you can now set Users from the main account as Approvers on an Approval Policy for a Reseller.

  • With our Manager Approvals feature, Users belonging to any User Type can now be Subjects.

February 26th - Release 2.393.0

  • With our Pipedrive integration, you can now select whether to use the Quoter upfront or recurring amount as the Pipedrive Deal amount.

February 24th - Release 2.392.0

  • With our Pipedrive integration and Person Search, you can now search by Organization.

  • With our Autotask integration, we now push Line Item unit cost.

  • With our Autotask integration and Person Search, we now return a friendlier error if the integration needs to be reconnected.

February 21st - Release 2.391.0

  • With our Autotask integration, if we find an Autotask Contact match by email but there are multiple records, we also try to match the Account, otherwise we create a new Contact.

February 20th - Release 2.390.0

  • A couple of goodies we're not quite ready to show you yet.

February 20th - Release 2.389.1

  • When using Product Search with Autotask and ConnectWise, we now show the MPN field.

  • Quickbooks Online OAuth improvements.

February 20th - Release 2.389.0

  • A fix for the main button text on the Acceptance and Checkout page, which could show the wrong label under certain circumstances.

  • With our HubSpot integration, you can now select whether to use the Quoter upfront or recurring amount as the HubSpot Deal amount.

February 19th - Release 2.388.0

  • With our Kaseya BMS integration, we now push to inactive Accounts and Vendor Accounts instead of creating new ones.

February 14th - Release 2.387.0

  • Added a new mail merge field for Business Logo.

  • When adding or editing a Payment Gateway, you can now indicate if it accepts Discover Card, and if so, the Discover Card logo will appear with that payment option on the Quote Acceptance page.

  • Fixed a bug where a percentage Line Item discount change could be lost when switching between the Quote create and preview pages.

February 13th - Release 2.386.1

  • With our Salesforce integration, we now never set the entity (i.e. Account, Contact, Opportunity) owner unless we create the entity.

February 12th - Release 2.386.0

  • Added a notice for our Zoho integration that the Person Organization field should be set as required, as it’s required for Zoho Deals.

February 10th - Release 2.385.0

  • QBO token refresh improvements.

February 6th - Release 2.384.0

  • When using Product Search with Autotask, you can now search by MPN. An MPN column will be added to the results table in a future release.

February 4th - Release 2.283.1

  • Fixed a bug where disconnecting from Zoho CRM EU was broken.

  • With our HubSpot integration, replaced a call to a removed API function.

  • Updated the way we handle and store Person and Deal Search results in preparation for Draft Quotes.

February 3rd - Release 2.382.0

  • Added all available mail merge fields to the Email Subject.

  • Fixed a bug with our Quickbooks Online integration where the “Create Quickbooks Invoices” setting was not being respected.

  • Fixed a bug with our new Item modal that broke the image uploaded.


January 30th - Release 2.381.0

  • Fixed a bug that may be causing frequent QBO disconnection issues.

January 29th - Release 2.380.0

  • Fix for our ConnectWise integration where Quote revisions with a Person without an address would fail.

  • Return a human friendly error during Person Search if a Pipedrive integration needs to be reconnected.

  • Added an Organization column on the Pending Approval and Approval History tabs.

  • Fixed a bug with our Autotask integration where Vendor creation would fail if the Account name was too long.

January 27th - Release 2.379.0

  • Fixed a bug where the email status icon colour wasn’t updating correctly in certain circumstances.

January 23rd - Release 2.378.2

  • When displaying all Users, we now show their associated Reseller if available.

  • With our Xero integration, re-instated an integration option for retaining the Primary Contact.

January 23rd - Release 2.378.1

  • With our Zoho integration, better Zoho inactive Product handling.

  • Performance improvements loading Suppliers and Manufacturers.

January 21st - Release 2.378.0

  • Updates to our Tiered Item Pricing structures in preparation for Draft Quotes.

January 20th - Release 2.377.1

  • Hotfix for issue loading Quote Form data when a Tax Zone is present based solely on User's Country

January 20th - Release 2.377.0

  • Refreshed our login page design.

  • Fix for our Kaseya BMS integration, where pushes were succeeding but with errors, due to the inability to attach the Quote PDF to the Service Quotation.

  • Improvements to our ConnectWise integration.

  • A fix for our ConnectBooster integration, which didn’t allow AmEx CVVs with 4 digits.

  • BNG and ConnectBooster improvements.

January 16th - Release 2.375.2

  • Fixed a regression bug with our Stripe integration, where recurring payments weren't being processed.

  • Fixed a regression bug where Quote Acceptance Custom Fields were being removed from a Quote if it was revised.

January 16th - Release 2.375.1

  • Fix for a regression bug where Quote Acceptance Custom Fields would sometimes not copy over during Quote revision.

January 15th - Release 2.375.0

  • Added an audit feature to Items Report that shows a breakdown per Quote.

  • With our Zoho integration, we now push Quoter Quote Shipping to the Zoho Quote as a “Shipping” line item.

January 15th - Release 2.374.0

  • Attempted fix for ConnectWise push error related to Company Site.

  • With our Zoho integration, added a warning to disable Zoho duplicate Contact email checks, if enabled.

January 14th - Release 2.373.0

  • Changes to how we handle Quote and Item Custom Fields in preparation for Draft Quotes.

January 14th - Release 2.372.0

  • Fixed a bug where important zeroes after the hundredth decimal place could be erroneously dropped.

  • Updates to our login functionality in preparation for MFA support.

January 9th - Release 2.371.0

  • With our ConnectWise integration, you can now map either the ConnectWise Product ID or Production Description to the Quoter Item Name when using Product Search.

January 9th - Release 2.370.0

  • For our Quote and Quote + Items exports, we now include the Quote ID on every row for better sorting capability in other programs, e.g. Excel.

  • Removed the “Remember Me” login functionality for additional security, and upcoming MFA release.

January 9th - Release 2.369.0

  • With our HubSpot integration, now ensure any linked HubSpot Deals exist before attempting to update them.

January 8th - Release 2.368.2

  • Fixed a regression bug in our Zoho CRM integration where we weren’t properly setting the Zoho User as the Quotes owner.

January 6th - Release 2.368.0

  • Fixed a regression bug where creating a new Pipedrive integration would fail.

  • With our Zoho integration, ensure that the assigned Zoho User is active.

  • Improved a ConnectWise integration error message related to a deleted Company.

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