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Single Select Item Groups and Sections
Single Select Item Groups and Sections

Add a radio select button to let your customers choose Items and Sections

Matt Stansfield avatar
Written by Matt Stansfield
Updated over a week ago

You can now allow customers to make a single selection (via a radio button) from multiple Items. This feature is available for both Line Item Groups (using Single Select Line Item Groups - see the optional Line Items in 'Package A' example below) and Sections (using Single Select Section Groups - see 'Package A' and 'Package B' example below).


You must be on the Pro Plan or above, or have added Single Select as a paid add-on. Please contact if you'd like to add it to your plan.


  • This feature is available during Quote creation, revision, and drafting.

  • Line Items within Single Select Sections or Single Select Line Item Groups cannot be set as Optional, and Bundles are currently not supported.

  • Single Select Line Items cannot be dragged into a Single Select Section Group.

  • All Items in a Single Select Line Item Group will be set as either all recurring, or all non-recurring. Items in a Single Select Section Group can be individually made recurring or non-recurring. The Quote will respect the current customer-facing viewing settings for One-Time and Recurring fees.

  • Between Single Select Sections, a customer will be able to choose both one Single Select Section, and a Single Select Line Item Group's Line Item in another Section. See example below.

  • The Single Select feature is currently built separately from basic (non-Single Select) Sections (i.e. you cannot drag a Single Select element into a basic Section).

  • A basic Section will always populate below Single Select Sections upon Quote Preview and Quote Publish, even if it is shown in a different order on Quote Create. Items not part of a Section (i.e. created at the top of the Quote) will appear above Single Select Sections.

  • A basic Section cannot be dragged and dropped in between Single Select Sections, even if the drag and drop appears functional on Quote Create.

  • Single Select Line Item Groups are available on the Quote level only. Single Select Section Groups are available on both the Quote and Template level.

What is a Single Select Line Item Group?

Use Single Select Line Item Groups to allow your customer to choose one Line Item option per Line Item Group. Multiple Groups can be created to allow for multiple selections.

Creating a Single Select Line Item Group

Navigate to the Quote Create page by clicking on Quotes > Quotes > + New Quote > choose Template. Under 'Line Items', click on + New Single Select Line Item Group.

Either click on Select Item to select Items from your integrated PSA, CRM, or the Product Cloud, or click on + New Line Item to create a new Item on an ad-hoc basis. Add your Items.

As you create your Quote, Preview the Quote to by clicking on the Preview Quote button on the bottom left corner.

What is a Single Select Section Group?

Use Single Select Sections to allow your customer to choose one Section from a group of Sections. All Line Items in the customer-selected Section will be included in the Quote total. Multiple Single Select Sections can be created on a single Quote.

Single Select Sections can include both Single Select Line Item Groups and regular Line Items. They can also include Bundles (i.e. a Bundle can be dragged into a Single Select Section Group).

Creating a Single Select Section Group on Quote Create

Navigate to the Quote Create page by clicking on Quotes > Quotes > + New Quote > choose Template. Under 'Line Items', click on + New Single Select Section Group.

Either click on Select Item to select Items from your integrated PSA, CRM, or the Product Cloud, or click on + New Line Item to create a new Item on an ad-hoc basis. Add your Items. If necessary, drag in a Bundle into your Single Select Section Group by hovering over the left side of the Bundle category and dragging the 6 dot icon.

As you create your Quote, Preview the Quote by clicking on the Preview Quote button on the bottom left corner.

The Single Select feature allows you to create more complex and customizable Quotes while allowing your customers more flexibility and autonomy in their selection choice.

Creating a Single Select Section Group on Templates

Navigate to the Templates tab by clicking on Templates.

Under the Default Line Items tab, click on + Add Single Select Section Group.

Click on + Add Item to prepopulate any Quoter, Autotask, ConnectWise, or Product Cloud items to your Single Select Section Group.

Happy Quoting!

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