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Set up Stripe as a Payment Gateway

Jon Turner avatar
Written by Jon Turner
Updated over 10 months ago

Getting Started

To integrate Stripe with Quoter, you must first have a Stripe account. If you need an account, you can contact Stripe here.

Integration Overview

Enabling Stripe on your Quoter account will allow your customers to pay for their Quotes securely through Stripe's credit card gateway.

When a customer makes a payment, either as a deposit or the full amount, they will be added as a customer in Stripe and charged for the amount listed. If there are recurring charges on the Quote, a subscription based on the recurring interval (e.g., monthly, annually) of any recurring fees will also be created in Stripe and they will continue to be charged at that interval. See Setting Deposits and Payment Requirements below for more info on how to set up a deposit amount for your Quotes.
Please note: We do not support ACH payments through Stripe at this time.

Adding Stripe to Quoter

  1. In Quoter, navigate to Settings > Payment Gateways > New Payment Gateway. You will be prompted to select a gateway. Choose Stripe from the dropdown menu:

  2. You will be prompted to enter the Publishable Key and the Secret Key from your Stripe account. Within Stripe, these can be found under Developers > API Keys > Standard API Keys. You can also determine which credit card providers or currencies you'd like to support with this gateway.
    Note: If you are setting up a Restricted Key in Stripe, please see this article to determine which permissions are required.

  3. Click Save Payment Gateway at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

Setting Deposits and Payment Requirements

Once you've added your Stripe gateway, you can choose on which Templates you'd like to enable the gateway, as well as whether you'd like to use a deposit amount or the full payment.

  1. In Quoter, navigate to Templates > Edit Template > Acceptance & Payments and ensure that Electronic Acceptance is Enabled. This will allow you to adjust the payment settings.

  2. Under Payments, you have several options:

    • Selecting Full Payment will allow you to charge the entire upfront amount. If Payment Required is enabled, the customer must pay to accept the Quote. If disabled, they can sign for it without paying.
      Note: Selecting Full Payment will create a recurring subscription in Stripe if there are any recurring fees on the Quote.

    • Selecting Deposit will allow you to choose the amount that will be charged. You can then select Fixed Amount which will let you set a specific dollar amount, or Percentage of Quote which will let you select a percentage. As above, you can enable or disable the payment requirement.
      Note: The deposit amount is always taken from the upfront total on the Quote. Recurring subscriptions won't be created for deposit payments.

    • Selecting Disabled will disable the payment gateway for this Template.

  3. Click Save Template to save your changes.

Setting Recurring Frequency and Upfront Payments

For Quotes with recurring charges, these will be created in Stripe as recurring subscriptions. You can adjust the frequency of these charges under Templates > Edit Template > Default Line Items > Recurring Fees:

  1. First, select the Billing Frequency. This can be Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-annually, or Annually.

  2. Select the number of upfront payments. If 0, the recurring fees will not be taken into account when setting a deposit amount. For example, if you had a one-time fee of $100 and a recurring monthly fee of $500, you would not be able to set a deposit amount greater than $100. If there is 1 or more upfront payment, the recurring fees will be multiplied by this amount and added to the one-time fees to get the upfront total. For example, 1 upfront payment with a recurring fee of $500 and a $100 one-time payment would allow you to take a deposit of up to $600.
    Note: Adding more than 1 upfront fee will delay the recurring subscription date in Stripe by that amount. E.g., 3 upfront payments for a monthly recurring fee would be charged at the time of payment, but the subscription would not begin until 3 months after the payment date.

  3. Select the number of days in the grace period. This will delay the subscription creation in Stripe for any recurring fees by that amount.
    E.g., if you have 0 upfront payments and don't want the recurring fees to be charged until the next month, you can set a 30 day grace period to delay the subscription charge.

  4. Click Save Template to save your changes.

Other Notes

  • You can enable/disable the payment gateway on individual Quotes, as well as adjust deposit amounts.
    Note: This only applies to Users who are Product Manager or above. See the Permissions article for more details.

  • Recurring frequencies, upfront payments, and grace periods can only be adjusted on the Template level. If any changes have been made, a new Quote must be created for the changes to take effect.

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