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Syncro Field Mappings
Matt Stansfield avatar
Written by Matt Stansfield
Updated over a week ago

This article defines how that data will be pushed from Quoter to Syncro. Learn more about integrating with Syncro in this article.


When creating a Quote in Quoter, you can search for an existing Syncro Customer or Contact using our Person Search feature or create new ones automatically. It's important to note, due to Syncro API limitations, Quoter will be unable to retrieve Country and Region (province/state) when using Person Search. To reduce data entry, we default the Country to what you have set in your account settings.

The following Syncro Customer are searched when using Person Search:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email Address

  • Work Phone

  • Organization

When creating or editing a new Person in Quoter, the information will be pushed to a Syncro Customer. Quoter will try to match Customers by email address. If nothing is found in Syncro, a new entry will be created, otherwise Quoter will use the first result found.


When a Quote is created or updated in Quoter, the Quote information will be pushed as a Syncro Estimate.

When creating a Quote in Quoter, you can pull existing Syncro Products into Quoter Quotes in real-time.

When a Quote is accepted in Quoter, the associated Syncro Estimate will be converted into a Syncro Invoice.

Quote Line Items

Quoter Line Items will be pushed to Syncro Estimate Line Items

If Push to Syncro Products & Vendors is enabled under Syncro Integration Settings > Product Settings, Quoter will also create a Syncro Product and Vendor when a Line Item is pushed.

Syncro Product

Syncro Vendor

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